Service provider

Schwärzler Rechtsanwälte – Dr. Helmut Schwärzler

P.O.Box 624, Austrasse 42

9490 Vaduz

Fürstentum Liechtenstein

Journalistic-editorial offerings


Telephone: +423 239 85 40

Fax: +423 239 85 45

Responsible for content:

Dr. Helmut Schwärzler

Company details

Sales tax identification number (VAT ID): 56108

Business area: Law firm

Disciplinary Authority

Fürstliches Obergericht
Spaniagasse 1, 9490 Vaduz

Job title

Legal professional title: Rechtsanwalt/ Rechtsanwältin. The professional title was awarded in:

Fürstentum Liechtenstein


Chamber (or comparable professional organization):

Liechtenstein Bar
Heiligkreuz 43
FL-9490 Vaduz Website and contact of the Bar:

Social media and other online presences

This imprint also applies to the following social media presences and online profiles:

Liability and property rights information

Disclaimer: The contents of this online offer have been prepared carefully and according to our current knowledge, but are for information purposes only and do not have any legally binding effect, unless it is legally obligatory information (e.g. the imprint, the privacy policy, GTC or obligatory instructions of consumers). We reserve the right to change or delete the contents in whole or in part, insofar as contractual obligations remain unaffected. All offers are subject to change and non-binding.

Links to external websites: The contents of external websites to which we refer directly or indirectly are outside our area of responsibility and we do not adopt them as our own. We do not assume any responsibility for any content or disadvantages resulting from the use of the information available on the linked websites.


Design Brunold

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Created with free by Dr. Thomas Schwenke

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