Your law firm in the centre of Switzerland

At our Zurich office, we advise our national and international clients in a comprehensive manner and we are happy to work for you primarily in the following areas:
Process management
An important part of our practice is litigation, particularly in cross-border proceedings. This applies to claims, commercial and labour law proceedings as well as other proceedings before Swiss courts and authorities, but also to disputes between financial service providers and their clients.
Furthermore, we take over the litigation of disputes in areas of corporate law (e.g., M&A litigation, liability under company law, special audits, joint ventures, shareholders’ agreements, etc.).
Other areas of Schwärzler Attorneys at Law’s practice include providing planning and strategic advice on national and international dispute resolution proceedings, as well as assisting with litigation in other countries and the coordination of disputes in multiple jurisdictions.
We also support you in avoiding litigation, in out-of-court dispute resolution and in drafting contracts to avoid disputes.
Corporate and commercial law
In the area of corporate and commercial law, we are happy to support you in the formation of companies. In addition, we take care of family estate planning for you.
As well as this, we structure (sales) acquisitions of companies and also carry them out. In the case of (cross-border) mergers and acquisitions of companies, we act in an advisory capacity and support you in the legal due diligence.
Other areas in which we can work for you are
- support for capital changes (capital increase and capital reduction) and
- advice on private equity, venture capital transactions and joint ventures.
Criminal law (white collar crime, asset recovery and international mutual legal assistance)
We represent and support injured parties, draft criminal complaints and enforce claims or ensure the recovery of seized assets (asset recovery). We are also active in the field of international legal assistance in criminal matters (account freezes, threatened confiscation of assets and requests for information or file redactions).
Retrocessions (retros or kickbacks) are payments that mandated financial service providers (e.g. asset managers, banks or trustees) receive from a third party (e.g. issuers or banks). As a commission model, retrocessions are controversial because they can create false incentives for the commissioned parties (e.g., banks or asset managers) that are not in the interest of the client.
In principle, retrocessions belong to the client, unless they waive them. However, this can only be done if the client is fully and truthfully informed about what they are waiving.
Schwärzler Attorneys at Law has assisted and continues to assist clients in Switzerland and Liechtenstein in numerous cases against banks and asset managers, which often end with substantial pay-outs for the clients.
Contract law
In the area of contract law, we take care of drafting, concluding, adapting and terminating contracts for you, as well as regulating renegotiations and representing you in disputes. We also represent you in the assignment of claims and advice you in international transactions.
Sanctions law
We advise you in the event of embargoes and sanctions (e.g., restrictions on the export and import of goods, services and in the financial sector). In addition to dealing with terrorism and sanctions lists, we also act for you in the case of performance and provision prohibitions vis-à-vis listed persons and companies, investment, payment and financing restrictions as well as in the topic of compliance.
Our specialties
Procedural Law/Litigation
The team at Schwärzler Attorneys at Law will support you in the careful preparation and planning of litigation strategies.
DetailsInvestor Protection
The team at Schwärzler Attorneys at Law offer comprehensive consultation in legal matters relating to investor protection.
DetailsContract Law
The team at Schwärzler Attorneys at Law provides comprehensive advice and representation on all legal issues relating to contract law.
DetailsInternational Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters
The team at Schwärzler Attorneys at Law can help you avoid information being shared between Liechtenstein or Switzerland and foreign countries.
DetailsMergers & Acquisitions (M&A)
The team at Schwärzler Attorneys at Law offer consultation in business takeovers and the restructuring of companies.
DetailsCriminal Law & Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
The team at Schwärzler Attorneys at Law in Liechtenstein, Zürich and Zug offer comprehensive legal assistance in criminal law matters.
DetailsFamily Law
Schwärzler Attorneys at Law advise clients on all legal questions dealing with marriage and registered partnerships.
DetailsEmployment Law
The team at Schwärzler Attorneys at Law is ready to inform you about your rights and responsibilities in employment relationships.
DetailsInheritance & Succession Planning
Schwärzler Attorneys at Law offer assistance in the responsible and careful preparation and regulation of your finances during your lifetime.
DetailsCompensation for Damages
The team at Schwärzler Attorneys at Law can assist in examining and enforcing your claim.
DetailsCorporate Law & Structures
Schwärzler Attorneys at Law offer legal assistance in the formation and administration of companies, foundations and trusts.